• On the other side of ISOLATION  
  • On the other side of ISOLATION  
  • On the other side of ISOLATION  
  • On the other side of ISOLATION  
  • On the other side of ISOLATION  
  • On the other side of ISOLATION  
  • On the other side of ISOLATION  
  • On the other side of ISOLATION  

On the other side of ISOLATION (2021) is a short documentary about the famous Ukrainian journalist

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On the other side of ISOLATION (2021) is a short documentary about the famous Ukrainian journalist and writer Stanislav Aseev, who spent 2.5 years in Russian captivity in illegal prison” Isolation” in Donetsk. The purpose of the movie is to draw public attention to human rights violations in the occupied territories of Ukraine, in particular, to torture and illegal abductions of civilians.

In the film about “Isolation”, her former prisoner Stanislav Aseev calls this place “a round-the-clock conveyor belt of torture”. He frankly talks about the physical and psychological pressure that he had to experience in those walls, about the gradual adaptation to a different, free life, and also seeks an answer to a difficult question: what’s next?

The documentary is not only about torture in the occupied Donbas, but also about the responsibility of war criminals for violating human rights and the need to improve national legislation. This is also an attempt by Ukrainian human rights defenders to draw the attention of the international community to the fact that in the 21st century a concentration camp is operating in almost the very center of Europe.

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