Letters of Resilience

  • Letters of Resilience  
  • Letters of Resilience  
  • Letters of Resilience  
  • Letters of Resilience  
  • Letters of Resilience  
  • Letters of Resilience  
  • Letters of Resilience  
  • Letters of Resilience  

Letters of Resilience” is a short documentary (2024)

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“Letters of Resilience” is a short documentary (2024) about three deep and moving stories of families whose relatives are held in Russian captivity for one year and more for their pro-Ukrainian position. Among illegally arrested civilians – a journalist Serhiy Tsyhipa, former military man Hennady Shcherban, and Red Cross volunteer – Yuriy Kayov who all were abducted and arrested in the occupied territories.

Children are writing letters to their parents in captivity so that their voices would be heard. Those letters will be sent along with the documentary to the biggest international organizations with a call for more active actions in support of the Kremlin prisoners.

The documentary proves that due to Russia’s war crimes, thousands of children in Ukraine grow up without their parents, live in constant waiting and suffer undeservedly. Russian aggression deprived children of the opportunity to grow up in complete and happy families.

Russia has detained thousands of Ukrainian civilians, cutting them off from access to their loved ones. Civilian detainees are often tortured and subjected to other ill treatment, including sexual violence. These international crimes became a large-scale tool of intimidation of civilians in the occupied territories, and that’s why it is so important to spread the truth about Russia’s war crimes and create diplomatic and political pressure on the aggressor to release civilians.

The documentary was made by Human Rights Protection Group SICH&HR Production.

Duration: 26 min.
Language: Ukrainian with English subtitles

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